Thank you to the wonderful past performers and to those who chose to spend their evenings at the DownTowne Listening Room.
We hope you all enjoyed the show.
 Kerry Patrick Clark |  Mark Gibson |  Danni Nicholls |
 My Brother's KeeperMy Brother's Keeper |  Georgia MiddlemanGeorgia Middleman |  Side PonySide Pony |
 Olivia FrancesOlivia Frances |  The WoodsThe Woods |  Julian VelardJulian Velard |
 Jake Speed & The FreddiesJake Speed & The Freddies |  Gabe DixonGabe Dixon |  Rob HarrisRob Harris |
 Marcia RamirezMarcia Ramirez |  Alice WallaceAlice Wallace |  Christie LeneeChristie Lenee |
 Christine HavrillaChristine Havrilla |  Mama's Black SheepMama's Black Sheep |  Chris CarpenterChris Carpenter |
 Porter & SaylesPorter & Sayles |  The Rough & TumbleThe Rough & Tumble |  The Red Wine EffectThe Red Wine Effect |
 EG KightEG Kight |  Maria CarrelliMaria Carrelli |  Lisa BialesLisa Biales |
 Amy GerhartzAmy Gerhartz |  Eric GnezdaEric Gnezda |  Sarah PeacockSarah Peacock |
 Steve EverettSteve Everett |  Levi KreisLevi Kreis |  Darden SmithDarden Smith |
 Jessica CampbellJessica Campbell |  Maria MillerMaria Miller |  Kevin HeiderKevin Heider |
 Danika & JebDanika & Jeb |  Shane & EmilyShane & Emily
(Arbour Season) |  Scott SieffermanScott Siefferman |
 TurkeysThe Turkeys |  Shiny & The SpoonShiny & The Spoon |  Wisewater (Kate Lee & Forrest O'Connor)Wisewater (Kate Lee & Forrest O'Connor) |
 Brittany GillstrapBrittany Gillstrap |  Jonathan Cody WhiteJonathan Cody White |  Charlie John (Charlie Millikin)Charlie John
(Charlie Millikin) |
 Sami RiggsSami Riggs |  Kevin StokleyKevin Stokley |  Chandler CarterChandler Carter |
 Matt WatersMatt Waters |  Kaitlyn PeaceKaitlyn Peace |  Parker HastingsParker Hastings |
 Steve SaundersSteve Saunders |  Michael RonstadtMichael Ronstadt |  Green Light MorningGreen Light Morning |
 Taylor HenryTaylor Henry |  Kryst KurerKryst Kurer |  Ty CooperTy Cooper |
 Anna ApplegateAnna Applegate |  Roger KlugRoger Klug |  Ryan AdcockRyan Adcock |
 David BelleganteDavid Bellegante |  Grady BurtonGrady Burton |  Jared MahoneJared Mahone |
 Antsy McClainAntsy McClain |  Jameson ElderJameson Elder |  Hannah RaeHannah Rae |
 Steff MahanSteff Mahan |  Melody GuyMelody Guy |  Andrew SalgadoAndrew Salgado |
 Deirdre FlintDeirdre Flint |  Carla UlbrichCarla Ulbrich |  Steve GoodieSteve Goodie |
 WhitherwardWhitherward |  Goodbye BlueGoodbye Blue (Charlotte & Dan Kendrick) |  Chuck BrodskyChuck Brodsky |
 Jeff%20Miller_editedJeff Miller |  Jim CastoJim Casto |  Suzie VinnickSuzie Vinnick |
 Katja & BrianKatja & Brian |  Angela PredhommeAngela Predhomme |